Being in love with someone you can't have is heartbreaking. Becoming a superhero, I guess, would be one way of solving this problem. Unfortunately, the collage of blue skinnys, a peck hugging gym tee and a bright yellow Topman belt is the closest i am ever going to come... I wanted to capture the light hearted love story of a boy and his best friend. Taking me back to my school days and the reason why this song was written in the first place.
I wrote the video treatment over a few beers with some friends, all pitching in ideas (some much better than others). One thing I knew was that I HAD to wear a cape... that wasn't open for discussion, I had a strong vision of ending the video overlooking downtown wearing my homemade Superhero attire (watching kick-ass a few nights previous was all the confirmation i needed).

Gahhhhh! I know that i don't even know you personally but i remember going on Vevo and seeing "Joe Brooks - Superman" and I literally jumped up in excitement. I've listened to your music for so long and when I saw that you finally made a music video, I can honestly say that I got very proud of you :)
good job Joe! im very proud of you! the video turned out magnificent and the song itself is one of my all-time favorites! i love you and hope to see you one day!
kisses from singapore!
Superman is such a lovely song, but I think runaway is your best song yet :] anyway, I loved the video, you are AWESOME, Joe
Brazil loves you! <3
You're one talented and cute guy; discovering you has to be the best mistakes I've ever made, hahaha! Superman is such an awesome song.
The music vid for it was truly amazing, and the behind the scenes vid is just as amazing.
I couldn't be more proud of you, keep up the amazing work! :)
Lots of love from Canada! ♥
Hey Joe, I just downloaded Constellation Me and I gotta tell you, it's AWESOME! so proud of you :)
haha I'm so gonna copy your outfit for this coming halloween. So awesome.
Come to Canada pleece? D:
you make me happy :)
YAAAAY! September 7 is here! Hopefully the album will be a sucess :) Congratulations Joe
I'm so exciteeeeeeeeeeeed! Constellation me is amazing :]
Hey Joe!
hope you have the chance to reply...
where can I buy your album?
greetz from germany
So, Joe, I read your facebook status "to anyone who ripped it or lime-wired it, you have no idea what it takes to make music." and now I feel so guilty for not actually buying your cd. I'm sorry :/ I'll try to buy it as soon as possible
Hey Joe,
It was a week friday since I bought 'Constellation Me"
It completely surpassed and achieved all the talent that I knew you are capable of.
Right now I am soooooo sad cause your in Texas and I can't get to a concert :(
I hope your getting the best hospitality and continue to have a great tour.
P.S. Loved the "Thank yous" in the album .Your a sweet guy ,some girl is going to be very lucky to have such a romantic fellow.
hi, i loveeee your musics, come to brazil ! pleaseeeeee !
Hey Joe, I was so excited when i got on Vevo and discovered this! I am a Superman FAN... he is my favorite super hero. You are very talented! I wish i could see one of your concerts in the states, but none of them are close enough for me to make. Ugh...maybe next time. haha.
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