VFest. it rained, it was muddy, and it was apparently completely acceptable for women to squat next to the stage and pee in the open... buuuuuut it was AWESOME!

Backstage was pretty sick, I made full use of the free massages, haircuts and bars... I mean, I was a student once... I learned all about taking full advantage of freebies.

Had a chat with the legendary Madness! and had 'baggy trousers, baggy trousers' stuck in my head all day. They taught me a valuable lesson (after a few pints): 'wear a vest under your t-shirt when performing outside' lol hmm, a little bizarre, but an amazing experience none-the-less.

After Paolo came and asked for his photo with me, which I reluctantly spent 30 seconds of my busy day fulfilling (ok so maybe that isn't a completely accurate description of how it went down), I watched Faithless and Kasabian rip up the main stage to finish an amazing weekend... WE COME ONE.

Thanks to everyone who came out to support, was a pleasure meeting you all through the microphone ;) Don't forget its only 2 weeks until my debut album comes out and until I head on the US tour, see you then!
Peace and Love
Over and Out,
x, JB