How to make the perfect cup of tea. As an Englishman through and through... of course, I enjoy a good cup of tea. So i thought it would be only right to educate those who are less informed about the ins and outs of creating a tipple fit for the Queen. FACT: no country will make you a better cup of tea than Great Britain, God save the Queen.
I prefer PG Tips or Tetleys side note: this is for when you use a tea bag not free leaves. For the Americans among us, these are 'English Breakfast' teas. But don't think you can just pop in any old English Breakfast Tea bag and think that will suffice... it most certainly will not! Brew the bag in boiled water for a good few minutes and squeeze it against the side of the mug with a teaspoon to get all of the british goodness out. Then add the milk until it's the colour of the pic above. Stir, and then add a teaspoon of sugar (or honey!) and stir again. I usually let it sit for a minute or so to let it cool a little. and voila! you have yourself a perfect British cup of Tea.
My dip of choice is the Hobnob... you can't beat a good Hobnob in tea... Enjoy my friends, enjoy ;)
Oh I do love a good cup of tea;)
Worse thing ever.. when you use a teaspoon used in coffee in your tea. Can't deal with Tainted Tea.
Ur making me hungry, and i havent eaten in 23hrs
oh you would definitely get along with my parents, then. we're indian and they drink tea so much. twice before breakfast, i believe! last time our power went out early in the morning, my dad turned on the grill and my mom put a pot of water on there to let it boil so they could have some tea. -__- haha, they're so crazy, but i love them :)
no need 2 freak haha i ate whoo
We don't drink tea in South america, only coffee. I would like to try the perfect cup of tea though =)
I am glad to know that I have been making the perfect cup of tea and didn't even know it was the correct British way .I am generally a coffee person but as u said a nice cup of tea is quite refreshing. Emmy
perfect :) I live in Canada but my parents are from a country colonized by England and they're crazy about tea too. :P
Milk and two sugars please. :)
mm...When you come to the States find a McDonalds and get a sweet tea.. You don't know tea till you try that :)
English tea as good as you say? I wonder if there're any shops here in Singapore that offers English tea. I've only tried Swedish tea, as of yet.
Haha I loved this post! Currently living in Australia, but having been born in England, as I read your post I got way too excited by your mention of PG tips, Tetley..and of course the humble hobnob!! The Tetley they sell here is rubbish, just not the same...and as for PG tips and hobnobs they're a treat for when friends and family come visit.
LOL, this post really entices me to try some English tea.... with some Hobnobs. Too bad I can't get my hands on it right now, but I'll keep "the perfect cup of tea" recipe in mind. And I dare won't forget the Hobnobs, thanks! :)
This is wonderful - now I know how to make real British tea!!! Thanks for posting this! :)
Uhh... please excuse me from being so... American, but what's a Hobnob? It looks like a Snickerdoodle.
Joe, you make me smile. :)
There is a great difference from Snickerdoodle and Hobnob. I believe that Hobnobs have oatmeal in them and Snickerdoodles are sweeter.
I love this post... exactly how i will make a good cuppa tea.
I will try my tea with Hobnobs next time.
i've only heard your Broken Hands, but it really spoke to me, thank you.
Good luck with everything x
Jasmine, Singapore.
Back when I was in Africa, we had chai, it's sort of like tea. Actually probably a lot like it sense Kenya was a British colony at one point in time. And I do enjoy a good cup of chai, but I'll have to try the British cup of tea some time :) and I have never had hobnob. Don't know what it is actually. (other then that it's a cookie)
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