This song is cool... 'Let Loose the Horses' from fellow label buddies, The Rescues. On my 1st listen i liked the vibe, the sound. By the 3rd listen i was singing along 'let it burn down, let it burn down'. What can I say, i'm a huge sucker for harmonies and this song doesn't disappoint.
Give it a few listens and enjoy :)
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Augustana: I recently just started listening to them again.
Sunday's Best
Parachute: Catchy melodies but a lot of their songs seems to revolve around love.
Be Here
Stuck In The Middle
Kyle Patrick of The Click Five: I really like his solo work. It's actually better than his band's stuff in my opinion.
Another Life
Second Nature
Margot & The Nuclear So & So's:
Quiet As A Mouse
David Cook of My Favorite Highway: He uses the name IAmDavidCook though; to distinguish himself from the other David Cook.
Sorry for such the long comment. But check out these bands. So good.
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